Friday, November 5, 2010

A Very Happy Moment in Genting

I didn't realised it was 12.30pm when a my handphone rang, The AMBANK agent called me and asked me go to the office to create my current account. Hazel called me up and told me that she was ready to go genting too and asked me what time will i be ready to go KL SENTRAL and i replied, I'M still sleeping, can you please.. Give me a few more minutes please.. pretty pleasee.. and she say okay =D
I woke up around 1.30pm and rush out to hazel's place and we go to KL SENTRAL together.. After reaching there, we separated. She went to buy ticket for the bus and i went to AMBANK to settle my banking stuffs.
Then suddenly i felt stomachache.BADLY!
Quicky rushed to toilet, but eventually my stomach didn't seems to get any better, so i decided to go buy BUSCOPAN[ stomach pain reliever ] together with hazel, after that i went to the toilet again, Total of 3 times. LOL!
It was nearly 3.00pm and Hazel have to go on bus already, so im all alone. I went to SECRET RECIPE. I ordered a Spaghetti Bolognese and a Iced Lemon Tea, Waiting about 15 minute, Hazel called up and saying that her family already had came down from Genting Highland. So she wanted to come back to me, and i asked her to come here.
Another 15 minute passed and she reached my place. FINALLY MY FOOD REACHES. Wtf!
She Ordered Spaghetti Meatball, i ordered a Banana Split too.
Same thing happened. Stupid Service.
Hazel got a very very nice spaghetti which the Meatball looks like shit. oh my god.
She didnt even touch the whole plate LOL!.
I ended up doing lotsa crazy stuff with the foods.

Good Meatballs and New Recipe from Secret Recipe =D

My Bao Bei, Kitty was late. I was planning to scold her 99 if she were late for not hearing what i've planned for her but she reached on time SAD! i didnt get a chance to bully her =C
So, Hazel ended up going back home sadly. hahahahaha!
Me and Kitty went to Genting together =D Happy! because Hazel is not there to disturb [ HAHAHA! ]
On the way to Genting, I keep disturb my baby, didnt give her a chance to have a piee of mind and hearing her music xD [ Annoyed ]
We reached there about 7.30pm and Mum and Marisa was waiting at the lobby of Resort Hotel.. Marisa ran over and hugged me, THE EVIL UNCLE Muahaha..
then we go back to the room and rest while and and MARISA were bullying each other by drawing make up on our face =) Damn COOL!
I look like ghost and Marisa looks like Uncle with Punched face.
Then i kicked her out of the room with ugly make up on her face HAHAHA!
After playing and bath we went to Pizza Hut for our dinner.. Quite a moment since i ate Pizza Hut. After that, as usual we went back to room and sleep , didn't went to clubbing =C
In The Night.. i bully Kitty muahahahaha!
Second day, I was so frustrated when mum open the lights to wake me up.. i scolded the whole world hahaha!
After Breakfast at Burger King, We went to Outdoor and play.. Quite Fun because i can see my niece really happy, its been a moment didn't saw her smiles =)

Make Ups! =D i know its OMG, no choice. DARING! and i Dun wanna Lose

Im really happy to have my baby accompany me all the time there..
After we came back from outdoor, we went to Cybercafe together! It COST RM15.00/Hour! WooooT Expensive! My SDO really really suck maybe too long didnt really practice that game..
We came back from Genting around 5.30 and i SESAT JALAN in KL omg!
Brought mum to eat Lok Lok and Zhia's Kitchen in Sunway Pyramid.
We ended up very Stuffed cuz all of us ate alot haha!
Its Actually kinda normal trip, But because of stupid things, it became memorial =)
Ps : I love you Baby!
: Sorry Gor, Was planned to reach home earlier and wanted to go over your place
But i can't make it. =C


  1. Lolz no worries.. Btw why share blog?

  2. nah, who knows u wanna post anything up here =) and how come u read it so fast de haha..
