Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Woke up late today, its about half hour late before my class start.
So i quickly take my bath and ran to station.
Was raining this morning, but still i keep running...
When i reach SeGi, Saw Wen Qian wor, She looked so shock lookin at me and ask how come so late LOL! i was like dunno telling her what, just make an action showing that over slept but dunno she know boh..
Then i went into the wrong class again, Stupid SeGi+ Student Card.
When i reach the class, Its Break time. ==
Then i just continue study loh.
i Got test next week + assignment now!
So, im gonna Guai Guai Complete all this wanna score give my JIE JIE SEE!
[ She promised buy me what i wanted ] Wakakaka! xD sorry Jie if u read this!
Wanna score in test and assignment, + a little bit of study i can get 3.7-4.0..
Jia you Nenny!!
After that went out to Movie with zach,
the movie is so touched! i found out that i got heart eh. i can cry wor hahaha!
till now just reach home, stupid monorail so many people..
Gonna start Assignment now ^^


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