Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Sweetest Memory In Life~

17th November 2010
I was so bored at home, Sleeping, online, eat, hear mp3
Thinking about any better activity to do,
Nothing came out its late, somewhere around 7pm
i went to Mamak downstair eat something..
after that i came back to the room,
started to think...think..and think again.
Yen suddenly Facebook me, a sister of my ex, who i used to care, love.
Seems like she had forgotten bout it..
She came all the way from langkawi to KL for vacation.
She asked me to go for ice skating in Sunway Pyramid on the next day,
and i accepted the offer.
I felt like, Does she really doesnt even remember a shit bout us?
i felt sad, She just invited me like " kenny, let go to ice skating tomorrow in sunway pyramid, are u free? if free come ok "
Oh well, just forget bout it and stop thinking.
After that i just continue do the lamest act in the world, online jerking around.
In the night, i told hazel that im taking my phone from her, then i went to her place and we ate supper together. Chit chat Chit Chat till midnight around 1Am ++

18th November 2010
After supper i went home, threw my phone aside without turning it ON, decided to turn it on the next day.
But then....
I went to my laptop, i saw message from YEN again,
She say that she has urgenting thing,
i was like " OMG What Happened!! "
She said, "Nah, Just wanna go overnight at your place, and i say okay.. "
But she don't dare to take taxi alone, so i went over to pick her up.
I talked to mummy and win that night, they treat me kinda nice, [ touched for mummy ]
And Yen doesnt stop talking on the phone, didnt know who called her so many times LoL!
That night, i let her sleep in my room and i slept outside LOL kesian right?
No choice Yen punya pasal. haha..
Study the whole night till 7am in the morning and she was sleeping..
I decided to walk out to find some food for her, So i went out walking,
Finding the whole Pandan Indah, But can't look for any shit kuih or malay nasi lemak in the morning because its Raya Haji that day.
Oh well, i just tapao Nasi Lemak from Mamak store for her, No choice.
I also drew a stupid so-called picture for her, With notes behind.
[Uploading it Tomorrow ]
She woke up when i reached home, came out and eat her nasi lemak.
i take spoon and fork for her, ready everything for her, like im taking care of a kid LOL! [ Much more better than i take care of my GF ] xD
after that, im so freaking tired so i went to sleep.
i asked her to wake me up 1 hour later but she didnt, she let me sleep till 11+ if im not mistaken.
While sleeping, i felt something keep kacau my shoulder,
it annoys me from sleep, so i moved my body,
it continuously annoys me till i wake up and suddenly see her Yen standing there
I was in a so Freaking Shocked With the stupid act!
Yen was laughing like crazy after that and she called me KENNY GAGA. Bad Yen!
i woke up and laugh at myself tho =.- stupid kenny.
After that we get ready and went to Berjaya Times Square and Sungei Wang.
Well, That time, i saw a Freak Shopping like crazy,
Maybe langkawi people never saw huge shopping centre so she shops like stupid freak hahaha! Sorry yen!
Nonstop walking, and im nonstop following her, Like a PA [ Personal Assistant ]
i was so exhausted that moment and that is also my first time accompany a girl shops that crazily. i dun shop with girl because im lazy.
Oh well.. i dont know what mood she's in but she made me felt dying haha!
She bought lots of shirt there, they are cheap, RM15-RM30 1 shirt.
Oh ya! we went to T-bowl restaurant too!
Funny thing here~
We sat down and order first,
then we realised Different types people sit beside us accordingly,
From Student - Couple - Employee - Married Adult - Aged Unties.
The Group of old untie is bullying the cashier,
Asking bout his age, how long working and stuff,like wanna tackle that guy LOL!
We found a FeedBack Paper on the table for customer to comment

Name : Kenny
Phone Number : 0175221047
0124272391 [ this 1 at the top ]
FeedBack : Something Like, no need upgrade ad .. becuz its too suck
Lots More nice stuff Forgot d LOL!
After that we Continue shopping,
Shop Shop shop till about 7pm.
Oh the way going back home, at Timesquare's Monorail station
We saw an Advertistment writen " Selamat Datang ke Taiwan " [ Welcome To Taiwan ]
Was like SWT! Wth is that, This is Malaysia.

Also took a few pictures Stupidly telling us that we went to Taiwan together
[ Hallucinate ] CoooL~~ =.=

Its Raining at the moment, I ran over surrounding place and can't even find a taxi to get home, so we waited for 15 minutes, Still no taxi. The Best Part is,
I Suggested Yen to run in the rain back home with me, and i tell her its just about 3-5 minute walk away [ its 10-15minute ] hahaha!
And we Started!! xD

[ Mei, You Cover ur head for what? Sure will Wet De!! Ben Dan ]

[ Fat Kitty GaGa! ]

We Splashed Each other badly, The Only Water-Proof Place Is our Ass! HAHAHA!
Then we reached home, My housemate, Patricia saw us wet and she was like, OMG! KIDS!
After Shopping, People usually counting about how much money they spent and how to survive next or things like this. BUT this is different.

[ This is The stocks ]

[ A " Ang Kong " sitting infront all of the stuffs ]

I made her smile while walking in the rain.. Im so freaking happy, i dont know why..

Oh Well, Its time to go back~
I bring her to bukit jalil bus terminal
and she looked so exhausted but when i ask her " are u tired ? " she always say no.
we went to Mcdonald somewhere near that area.
When we go back to the bus terminal, we called a cab,
When reached bus terminal we still got 1 hour left there.
Sitting there waiting, Both of us fell asleep.
Suddenly im awake and asked for her handphone.
She cant find it, And she tells me that she left it in the CAB and i was Like Oh My GOD!
i called, and someone answer and asked me to go and take it back [ There is still nice people in this world ] UNBELIEVABLE!
So i went over to pick it up.
When i came back, Yen's Bus is already here, and i sent her go on bus.
Erm, Ending is like sWeet~
But No Kiss dun worry =P
She say bye bye and we hug each other,
Talk few more words.....
And she went up to the bus..
I stay awake the whole night just to ensure that she doesn't wake up in the bus and
Think alot..
And i ended up falling asleep at 5++
Oh well, Superman Have to Rest too =P

Finally, the Dream Ends. ^^
Ps : I missed you yen, I missed you so much.