Friday, November 12, 2010

Low Profile

How sweet it is, Staying in a place where nobody knows you.
You can actually do what you want, its so relaxing..
Dancing all the way in LRT, Jumping and Hopping around.
This World is Great!

Anyway, Woke Up quite late. Im Sick =C
Wearing jacket whole day still felt cold.
Do assignment while chatting with Viny.. she's funny. [ Enjoyed ]
Hazel came, i lend her my phone.. Since her phone spoilt =]
She helped me so much.. have to help her back. we are best friend ^^
7++ went to Pasar Malam.. Buy Buy Buy Eat Eat Eat.
Now i just realised, How nice is Carrot Juice with no sugar and ice =]
It Taste SWEET!!
Reached home about 11+
Clean room, Clean My Body.. takes me quite a moment..
Chat with Viny again.. Dunno what so much to chat about LOL!
Went to have my supper with my housemate ERIC.
Talked about the live i had in the past. Thats why i realised how nice is styaing in Low Profile =D
I just came back and now chatting with Viny again ==
Gonna Continue my Malaysian Study now, till i tired then sleep =]

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