Friday, December 17, 2010

Back in the Past

I know you since i was 9 years old, you were fat, stupid, idiot. I hated you so much. Everytime i see you i complain. But everytime i went to find your brother, i always have to suffer looking at you in the living room watching Cartoon Network/Disney Channel with ur legs high in the sofa. You Suck.
You always being a disturbance to me. If im going to rate you, I'll give u 1/2 over 10.
I wud hate u even more if sharlene is there with you. You guys would make stupid stuff.
The only way to solve the problem is asking Chuan to expel you guys out of the room. Jumping around like monkeys. Oh My Gosh is the only word i use to describe you.

You begin to get better at the age of 12. But i still hate u. I remembered when the computer is in your room, You and Huey Huey took Chuan's underwear and play with it. The MOST disgusting shit ever. I know its Sharlene not you, But still vice versa same gang. You stand and laugh like shit too. Chuan's really really mad that time. Haha!

At the age of 13 and 14, you changed alot. Thats where i begin to take u as a sister. You started to know what is a Human Being supposed to be. Maybe games changed you, I dont know. Because you started to mixed around that time. At the age of 13, Before we became brother and sister, i once chased you and dumb you. Telling you. to remember, I Won't fall in love with a girl like you.

You started to changed lot and lot, When you couple with JP and Jf, thats the moment im scared of you changing into bad girls. With your punks and emo picture. I felt so worry about you.I dislike JP that moment because i dont think he's a nice guy for u, he's mixing WP too. In This moment, you changed into someone very shy. You get blushed easily.. haha~

After you guys broke up, Once again i chase you when i broke up with PL. This time, Im serious. But when PL came back to me, I chose her. Im sorry i broke your heart
You transfered to Sapura Smart School after you finnished your PMR, i didn't expect you to get such result. Because you're dumb but then you did =] Proud of you. You became very smart in several aspects. You even stop arguing with your family anymore and co-operated with them. Our brother and sister love getting deeper and deeper because we have lots of topic to talk about.

Until one night, we chat and dared each other, i was planning to cheat u. Asking for Chuan's help. But Chuan told me, " If you wanna win, Win a good way, No Cheating! ". I answer, " Im scared i would fall in love if i really chase her with all my effort", but i told myself before i promised this game to start. " I won't fall in love no worries, She's just a sister to me and im have to win her roses to laugh at her " When i started to chase u im still myself. I keep thinking about how to get you all day and night. But one day, when im in Midvalley with my housemate, i saw a pretty cloth for girl. I realised the first one appears in my mind is you. Im asking myself does this cloth suits sinyin?? I begin to imagine about our promise to skating on 12th December 2010 and keep thinking how to tell my boss that i want to off that day. But i failed. Until today i keep imagine about it. I regret of telling you, " Remember i won't fall in love with a girl like You".............
I Guess I fell in love.


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