Saturday, December 18, 2010


This morning, i woke up late to work..
But my morning is just great..
Thinking bout her last night.
The _ _ _ _ _ _ <3 that she posted for me
Plus, i saw her message this morning makes me feel like " damn i have such a great fresh morning "
I work and smsed with her in the aftrnoon, Sadly i didnt get a chance to see her..
Oh well, fate doesn't go this way =[
I still feel happoie that she smsed me.
Was painting while learning how to talk more bout others..
I realised something, something deep inside..
If you wanted people to understand you, You need to understand about people too.
1 people working hard to change doesn't make any changes.
You need both to work things out. This is what wife and husband for in this world.
Love doesnt mean the boy have to protect the girl and be the hero all the time.
Girl's have things to do to, moral support, care, loves, teamwork, assists.
In Chinese we say, 1 hand clap, no sound will be produced.
I tended to test her tonight. Im Sorry to you~
But to know what she has in her mind? To know each other more or not,
Whether she know what is love? Know what she wants?
I know, She's smart, She good in education, she has what she wants
She tend to think that things are perfect with what she's done.
But If someone's perfect, the world wont be stable anymore.
People Gets sensitive, because people care.
Nobody get sensitive if they don't give a damn to a thing.
Example, When u care about ur laptop, a single small scratch, You'll feel pain and hurt. But if u dun care about it, If it fall down from 10th floor to Ground Floor. You Dont give a damn about that shit.
I wonder why does she cant understand about this?
Does it worth?
For me to give all my love to her and let her say disappointing compliment everyday??
Everyday, and i just say sorry all the time.
Why can't she wait for my reply?
Im working, i know im poor. Not rich and has to work.
But why do i have to work hard and look for extra commisions?
Don't she ever think about its for her?
Buying stuff, Going out, Planning future..
Im someone who look further in the future, Not today and ends tomorrow.
I felt very sad, very disappointed too.
I Hope she can understand about it.

Kenny 19/12/2010

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