Sunday, March 7, 2010

Aku OD.

Today, i realized there is more beautiful sky in the world.
I realized there is more people who loves me, care about me, cry for me.
I feel touched that GOD have eyes and its fair even i dun have what i want.

i Have a wiSh for my everyday cycle :
Dear Sun, please make my day Smooth and steadY
Dear Moon, Please make my night sweet and Sexy.

i want a smooth day, working, Enjoy drink tea time.
I want everyday with smile when i walk out of the gate.
I want a sweet night which i can hug u to sleep.
i want a night u would lay down on my chest and spend our night chatting and enjoy moon.

Mari continue.
Last night sleep at 9 in da morning Wtf because chat with someone till 6++am and she makes me feeeeel happi till cant sleep ( of course ada hisap bong la )
today wake up so late, in the evening.
after wake up i clean house, then kena 1 bong and eat.
after that i call chuan and he pick me then we both go honeymoon to ss15 and go take porn 500GB sial~!
After come home, dunno why she dun want answer my call.. then answer....
we tok tok tok..and i got to know that she's jealous =P Am i right? u know who u are.
and its a happy ending.. i love today and tonight.
Have Chuan and u accompany me.. my life is wonderful!
Muacks For u Both! Claps Claps~
Now just finnish McD. wanna go room sleep le.. very tired..
sleep le tomorrow wait for her back home and accompany her.. make her happy!
I love you~ ( you )
Good Night Guys~

[ Ini muka Lost Dan OD ]

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