Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Unable To Let Go.

Im so depressed and tried so hard to let her go.. wanted to give up, live on a new single life.
i never know what she is thinking. But im really so unhappy to see her deleting her message just now..
She tells me its nothing but just mad at me trying to check her out.
i wanted to leave, so much, but i really cant feel wanna let o.
We Ended up with a happy ending, she drives me to eat then to Melaka Sentral. =)
Im going back to kedah today night. Sure gonna be very boring to pass this few days, will try my best to finnish everything before i go to singapore.. Making it fast, KL People, Wait 4 me im coming to u guys one last time^^
Short one today, Trrying To Be a Nerd Guy wakakaka =P
I Guess i Cant online for few days lo.. Aikx.. No net in Kedah.. Everyday can sing song only =.=

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