Sunday, January 10, 2010

BroKen HearT

My Heart Is Broken Like Wave
My broken HearT ShakEn Like Wind
My Heart Vanish Like SmoKe
It CanT Be RemoVed Like Tatoos
I Sigh Deeply as iF a GrounD is GoinG to Cave it
Only Dusts Are Pilled In my Mind - Saying GOodByE
i Thought I WouldnT Live Even One DaY WithOut Euu
But SomeHow I ManaGed To Live On LonGer Than i ThoughT
You DonT AnsweR AnyThiNg As i CrY OuT - I Miss You
I Hope For a Vain Expectation buT Now ItS UseLess
What is It AbouT The Next Person To You? Do You MakE HIm Cry?
Dear, Can you even See Me? Did u Forget Me Completely?
I am Worried, I am Anxiety Because I CanT Get CloSe Nor Talk To You
I SpenD WhoLe NighT AlonE, EraSinG ThouGhts Of ThouSanD Times And MemoRies.
Day by Day, I Become DuLL.
If You Saw Me On The Street One Day, Act Like U DidnT See Me anD Go On Ur DirecTion.
If U Keep Thinking About Our Past, I will Go To You SecretLy.
Atleast that u are happy.
Even Smallest Regret Wont Left Out Ever, Please Live Well, as If i Should Feel Jealous.
You ShoulD Be Like The BriGhT Sky and The WhiTe ClouD.
Yes, You ShoulD SmilE Like NothInG Happens.
I Hope YouR HearT FeeS Relieves.
ThosE TeaRs Will Dry ComPletEly, As Time Pass By.
It Would Have Hurt Less If We Didnt See Each Other at all.
i PraY For You
DonT Look Back And Leave!!
DonT Find me AgaIn anD LiVE On!!
BecaUse I Have No Regrets Of LoviNG You
Take Only The GOod MomEnT
I can Bare It In SomeWay DonT Worry, I Can Stand In SomeWay Too.
You ShouLd Be Happi If You are Like This,
Day By Day, I will become Dull..
Oh baby, I Cry, You're My Alll....
im SayiNG GooD byE.

To : Voon PauLine,
My So CalleD - Bee.